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Find one that works for you

  • Best Value

    1 day a week Sesh/film 4 times a month

    +$100 booking fee
    1 skate sesh, 2 hour skate sesh , 4 times a month skate edit end of skate sesh
    Valid for one month
    • Service 2
  • Skate photography

    Every week
    +$20 Booking fee
    perfect for bigginers great way to highlight your skate skills
    Valid for 4 weeks
    • Guarantee 10+ high quality skate photos
    • 1 or 2 neer by Location
    • Beginner Skater ok
    • Advance Skater ok
    • Model ok
  • Podcast /Advertise

    Advertisment for your skate business and more here on the podcast
    Valid for one month
    • Avertisment and promote your business here
    • Small business ok
    • Corparate ok
    • Local events ok
    • Pop up's ok

This commitment involves a once-a-week skate session at a designated skate spot for four consecutive weeks. Each session should last a minimum of two hours, during which time participants are expected to skate and film their experience.

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